目前分類:Life in BATH (62)

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身在英國 怎能不去溫布頓呢!!!

cynthia8er 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

30磅呀...30磅耶!!!結果吃不飽= =


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I forgot to write after finishing SCM...
Anyway, SCM and SURV are same professors...

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Today's exam was Project Management!!

I think professor is quite nice, the compulsory question

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Today was the exam for CSR...
God... I really didn't know what I wrote....

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cynthia8er 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is the last exam day.!!

The questions in HRM is quite simple, but not knowing

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25/Jan was a nice day for taking Marketing exam.
Professor is quite nice

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Today's exam is OM.!!

Professor are so kind.^^

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The first exam is economies.
Nice problems by a nice professor^^

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cynthia8er 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It seems that I always get motivated, but lack of consistency....


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It is weird that why british people place their final exam after the vacation....

There are five subject I need to prepare>""<

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Yesterday, I went to club, to which I had never been.

Chie invited me 'cause her friend invited her.

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Sorry jump too much- -'''

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Today, I stayed at my room and did work= ='''

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Today, we went to Stonehenge&Salisbury

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Today was a tradegy....
Why say that!?

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It was a normal day.
Everything was fine.

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Today, I went to Iceland with Aurora to buy some food
and she wanted to buy a pair of sport pants.

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