目前分類:Life in BATH (62)

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Today I went to buy food in the afternoon.
Unfortunately, it was rainning.

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Today I confirmed my essay title with sarah.
"The role of the Internet in supply chain management".

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Today I just stayed at my room watching warehouse13 and doing homework.

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Today was nothing special.
I set my project C's topic with Sarah.

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Today we had a party to have farewell party for those who are going to leave.
It's really fun and the game is very difficult.

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Today's lecture talked about SCM(supply chain management).
The lecturer was an Irish, and very fascinated. We had a quite fun and good lecture.

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I think maybe because the new classroom,
not only me but also everyone all feel less energy.

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Nothing special, just be told the projeat B.
A teacher substituded sahra's class. A little bit boring...

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Today was our presentation.(Project A)
However, it's quite strange that our class's members were not even feel very worried about the important presentation.

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Today, the most special thing was I went to a small "coffee talk" with native people.
A lot of people are volunteers from church.

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Today's lecture is talking about leadership and creativity.
But we thought that this lecture a little bit boring.

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After today's class, I went to join the sports event which is held by student social service.
At first, I was worried about if no one can play with me, but latter I thought I was thinking so much.

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Today was a quite nervous day.
We practiced a small seminar. Even though it only held in our class(7 people),

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We went to city centre shopping.

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Today was our first trip to go out of Bath city centre.

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We went to the American Museum in the afternoon.
The marketing which is used in this museum is the thing we should think about and is related to our project A.

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Today, we went to library to know where Self-Access Language Centre is and how we can use it.
After the administration, we had a introduction about academic writing.

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There was a lecture in this mornong.
It was about Antrophysics.

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Entered classes all day until 4pm.
Teachers who teach us are really nice.

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In the morning, all pre-MBA/MSc's students assembled to the front of library and helpers took us to the lecture theatre.

After a short introduction(teachers and something we may face in the future) and then we had a Writing Test.

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